Fraud Screening

Fraud Screening

The AllSecure OPEN Platform supports a range of fraud screening (risk) checks that can be individually activated and configured to suit your needs. In addition to these internal checks, we have partnered with some of the leading risk providers in the industry to provide optional connections to their external risk services, including AliRisk, Arvato RSS, Deltavista, Deutsche Post Direkt, Fine Trade, GateKeeper, Kount, Schufa, Telego creditPass, ThreatMetrix, GFKL, ReD Shield and InfoScore.

How it works

Activate Risk Settings

Risk settings must be activated and configured on your account

Send a request

Risk checks are performed as part of a payment request or can be called using the stand-alone risk endpoint.

Make a decision

Using the risk information returned, you can decide how to proceed.

1 - Activate Risk Settings

To activate internal and/or external risk checks on your account, please contact us.

2 - Send a request

There are two ways to perform risk checks.

  • As part of a payment request
  • Using the stand-alone risk endpoint.

Risk checks as part of a payment request

When you send a payment request to the platform and the risk checks are activated, the checks will be executed as part of the request.

Stand-alone risk checks

NOTE: stand-alone risk checks currently supports internal checks only.

To perform risk checks without an associated payment or payment information, the /v1/riskchecks endpoint can be used.

3 - Make a decision

The response contains a risk.score that is tuned to your risk settings and can be used to decide how to continue. Your individual business factors into this decision, but following the result you might, for example, choose to:

  • Execute the payment
  • Send the payment request to a different channel that has additional security-measures like 3D-secure activated
  • Offer only a subset of lower risk payment methods for checkout

As a result you can execute payments with a significantly lowered risk for fraud and chargebacks while still offering shoppers the best possible payment options.